Friday, November 22, 2013

Guest Speaker: Adult Education Director, Todd Delay

Adult Education Director, Todd Delay shared his response to the NCTS MYP unit question:
How do my choices impact my personal development. 

Mr. Delay spoke to NCTS students about the cause and effect relationship between their choices and consequences. Delay inspired students to make decisions that will result in positive consequences.

"He talked about the Boomerang Effect that we are talking about in English. The Boomerang Effect is when you do something good and then something good comes back to you." -Kordell 

"Mr. Delay talked about his mentor and how we need mentors to keep us on the right track. I am going to talk to my mentor more often." -Cordell 

"I really liked the part where he talked about how we will all go through challenging stuff. He told us that we will just have to keep our head up and face the challenge in a way that is good. I liked that part." 

"He said that we should find a mentor. I have a mentor. I just need to be more mindful and talk to him more." -Cameron

"He said he works with adults who didn't earn a diploma and now they are struggling to try to get an education. We don't have to be like that. We can make decisions now to take a path that will lead us down a successful path. Everyone's path is different; it all depends on a person's choices." -Victoria

"He reminded me that it is important to know what I want to be in life and make a plan now, while I am in high school. I want to start to reach my goal to be an RN now, while I am in high school."

Friday, November 8, 2013

NCTS Rosie Winners

Congratulations Asia & Gabby!

Both students received awards at the NCHS Information Center (Library). Asia & Gabby earned gift cards and free books during this semester's monthly Rosie Reader drawings. Asia read Clean, the story of five teens facing their addictions and bonding in rehab. She said it was the best! Gabby is an avid reader and has enjoyed reading several books from the library this year.

Next time you are at the IC, browse the Eliot Rosewater collection. Once you read a Rosie book and complete the form found inside the book, you too could be a Rosie winner! 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Guest Speaker: NCHS Basketball Coach, Mr. Mitchell

Coach Mitchell shared his response to the NCTS MYP unit question:
How do my choices impact my personal development. 

"Mr. Mitchell taught me that whenever bad things happen in life, you should use these experiences to become stronger! Don't quit and work harder! Now, I will try to become more successful." -Xavier 

"I learned not to let the bad things that happen in life affect me or determine the type of person I am going to be. I will not shut down, even if tragedy strikes." -Alex

"I learned to forgive but not forget. Once you move on with life, you can look back and realize how much better you have become." -Jodecie

"I learned that holding everything in doesn't solve anything, but it forms stress and anger instead. It is important to find a person who you can talk to so they can help you." -Ronshae 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Field Trip: Decision House 2013

NCTS students attend field trip to seek answers to their MYP unit question:
How do my choices impact my personal development?

Field Trip Reflections by Kourtney & NCTS Classmates

 I went on a journey yesterday, not just any old, boring journey.  It was a field trip that taught me about life. Phebra explains, “I would recommend this field trip because some young adults are unaware of how their decisions will lead them to a path that they might not like.”  The field trip taught us that we will have our ups and downs, but we will still have to get back up, be active, and enjoy life. 

The field trip started with a live drunk driving crash scene. It showed a teenage boy who decided to go for a drive late at night, after he had been drinking. As we sat on the bleachers and watched, red, blue, and white lights from real fire engines, police cars, and ambulances reflected on our faces.  It all seemed real as the actors shouted words, blood splattered, and the emergency workers tried their best to revive the teenage boy that the drunk driver killed. We watched as a police officer tested the driver for alcohol and drugs. We watched as the police officer took the boy to jail. Then we got to see the trial and see the judge sentence the boy to 20 years.  Of course, this was just actors in a play, but it felt real, especially since the actors related the acting to real life statistics.  Tally recalls, “I learned that teenagers who start using alcohol and drugs between the ages of 13-19 are more likely to become addicted.”

The plays felt so real that I even cried during the next play.  In the next play a father raised his hand to his son and slapped him. He told his son that he would never amount to anything.  The next scene showed the young boy passed out on the floor with an orange prescription bottle in his hand; he had overdosed.  We learned that suicide is the third leading cause of death among teens, according to Stand Up! Change Teen Statistics.

During today’s performances, I learned that no matter how I feel, I need to treat others with kindness.  Even when I am feeling so mad that my face is turning red, I need to be nice and kind.  Tally shares, “I learned how important it is to make good decisions.”  Now, I ask you, at the end of the day, who is in control of making your decisions? You!

To learn more about Stand Up! Change Teen Statistics, go to: 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Jimmy John's Teaches Students How to Obtain a Job in Today's World

MYP Unit Question:  How do my choices impact my personal development? 

Students learned about Jimmy John’s motivating real-life story.
 They related Jimmy John's life lessons to their own lives.
Inspired, students learned the power behind their choice to persevere and never give up.  

"A lot of high school students are like Jimmy John, and they experience the same life lessons. From today's presentation, I took out that I should not depend on others, but if I need the help I should be open-minded and be willing to take it." -Phebra
***IB Learner Profile Recognition:  Open-Minded! 

"Jimmy John's story taught me that I should not give up on life."  -Jocara

"Just like Jimmy John, I will be really successful!"  -Ronshae & Victoria

"Now, I am doing great in school. Just like Jimmy John, when I was younger, I was all play & no school. Now, I am looking forward to college." -Joy