Showing posts with label English. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


NCTS MYP unit question:  
How do my choices influence my future?

NCTS students researched their career choices. Based on their research, students made plans to begin taking steps in high school that will help them achieve their career goals. To be inspired by students' career choices and high school plans, check out their research papers below: 


Monday, February 3, 2014


6 students have completed the Nova Net reading program!
All 6 students met their target scores! 
Be proud! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday, November 8, 2013

NCTS Rosie Winners

Congratulations Asia & Gabby!

Both students received awards at the NCHS Information Center (Library). Asia & Gabby earned gift cards and free books during this semester's monthly Rosie Reader drawings. Asia read Clean, the story of five teens facing their addictions and bonding in rehab. She said it was the best! Gabby is an avid reader and has enjoyed reading several books from the library this year.

Next time you are at the IC, browse the Eliot Rosewater collection. Once you read a Rosie book and complete the form found inside the book, you too could be a Rosie winner! 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Another Enjoyable Day at the NCHS Library!

 Friendly Reminder:  Students are required to read one book of their choice each quarter.  
Bring your books to class tomorrow, and we will reserve some time to dive into our new library book :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

NCTS Book Recommendations

While reading library books, students visualized characters' lives and questioned characters' motives.  Students' investigative questions and creative imaginations led to the character interviews below.  Read the interviews to discover the interesting lives found in the pages of these NCHS library books. 

By Anjayla

By Cordell 

 By Kordell 

By Marcus

By Mychaela 

 By Phebra 

By Tally 

 By Victoria 

By Yemi 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

In addition, 100% of NCTS students are meeting our MYP Essential Agreements! Woot Woot! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Mrs. Achgill Visits NCTS English Classes

NCTS students understand that visualizing their reading material helps them
engage, personalize, and comprehend texts. 
Mychaela explains, "Visualizing makes the story feels real.  
You actually really get into the story, and it feels like you are living it."  

In addition, students practice visualizing because they know that when they visualize 
their reading material, they are more likely to finish the reading assignment.  
Kourtney shares, "If you really get into visualizing, it feels like you are watching a movie 
that you don't want to turn off." 

To support students' visualization skills, Mrs. Achgill led students through a 
Sketch to Stretch lesson. While Mrs. Achgill read a passage from a book, 
students sketched the visual images that they pictured in their minds.  Trenton reflects, "Visualizing turns the book into a movie and makes it easier to analyze." 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Reader's Theater with Mrs. Achgill, NCHS Information Center Department Chair

Today, Mrs. Achgill visited NCTS English classes to support students' current MYP Unit:  How Do My Choices Impact My Personal Development?
With Mrs. Achgill's guidance, students transformed into actors as they participated in Reader's Theater and acted out the novel, ADHD & Me: What I Learned from Lighting Fires at the Dinner Table.   
Eager to share their own personal narratives, students shared their essays with Mrs. Achgill during writing conferences. 

Mrs. Achgill, thank you for providing NCTS an entertaining and literary experience! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Thank you, Mrs. Achgill!

NCHS Librarian, Mrs. Achgill provided students a "buffet" of books. 
Mrs. Achgill led students through a group activity that allowed students to 
"taste" a variety of books.  Ultimately, every student found a book to devour! 

"I like my book, If I Grow Up, because I can picture everything I read about in this book.  It's like I have a movie going on in my head."  -Marcus

"I like the book, I Beat the Odds by Michael Oher. It is the story from the movie, Blind Side. I like the book because it is from Michael Oher's point of view.  I recommend this book to football fans because you get an inside look on Michael's life before he was drafted." -Cordell

"My book, Tyrell, is a very gripping drama that makes you interested in the main character from page one!" 

"I would recommend Tyrell to males who like books that talk about real life struggles and how to get out of the situations." -Raven 

"The Purge is interesting because it relates to high school and the challenges that people face.  I recommend The Purge to other freshmen because it is about a student who is trying to fit in with school, sports, and friends." -Mychaela

Friday, August 9, 2013

NCTS Visits the NCHS Information Center

What did we learn at the IC?

We can visit the IC during study hall. We just need to get a pass from one of our academic teachers. 
We can visit the IC during lunch :) 
The After School Learning Center is open from 2:50-4:15
We can visit the IC before school; it opens at 7:00 a.m.