Tuesday, May 7, 2013

NCTS Students Discover Their Career Interests

photographer:  Wyesha 

"Mrs. Williams helped us learn how to cook.We made casseroles for the Graphic Design class so they could eat while they celebrated their contest. I would like to take this class in the future, 
so I can work in the restaurant." -Mikala

"Graphic Design is the best class I have ever been to.  I enjoy drawing and the classroom atmosphere is calm; I like that a lot.  I will definitely take this class during my junior and senior years." -Macyn 

"I loved the atmosphere in Culinary Arts. Everyone is just doing their job, listening to the chef, and handling business."  -Karron

"I like Digital Media Arts because it is really laid back and everyone is calm. I like that we get to work by ourselves. This makes it easier to work because I have my own stable environment to work in.  Also, everybody is like family in that class. Everybody is cool with each other in there."  -James 

"I got to learn how to disassemble a computer.  I got to learn how to watch out for viruses on websites. I also got to learn how to make a computer safer and run faster."
-Michael (IB Learner Profile Badge:  Knowledgeable) 

photographer:  Tiffany

Friday, May 3, 2013

Mission to Mars

NCTS Explores JELCC CTE Classes

photographers:  Camille & Victoria

Danita and Estefani enjoy styling hair in cosmetology.  

Jason admires his students' ability to show respect for their teachers and responsibility for their work.